Mwanza,Tanzania +255 759 682 826

Endangered Species Day May 19, 2023.

On the occasion of Endangered Species Day, Blue Victoria's school club organized a comprehensive and impactful awareness activity aimed at educating students about the endangered fish species in Lake Victoria. The event was designed to be engaging, informative, and memorable, ensuring that students develop a deep understanding of the challenges faced by these vulnerable freshwater species.

Blue Victoria school club during awareness session

To enhance the learning experience and encourage active participation, the students were then invited to showcase their artistic skills. Equipped with art supplies, they were tasked with drawing illustrations of the Victoria carp fish. This activity not only allowed them to express their creativity but also served as a platform for them to deeply connect with the species and its struggles. The students' drawings beautifully depicted the fish, highlighting its distinctive features and capturing its essence.

Drawn image of Victoria Carp Fish (English name),Ningu (Local Name), Labeo Victorianus (Scientific Name)

During the drawing session, Blue Victoria ED facilitated discussions and engaged the students in conversations about the threats faced by the Victoria carp fish. They provided additional information and answered questions, ensuring that the students gained a comprehensive understanding of the importance of conservation efforts in protecting these endangered species.

Blue Victoria ED Mr. Festus Massaho showing image of victoria carp fish

Throughout the activity, the importance of collective action and individual responsibility in preserving our natural resources was emphasized. The students were encouraged to share their drawings and newfound knowledge with their peers, friends, and family members, effectively spreading awareness beyond the school club.
In conclusion, the Endangered Species Day awareness activity conducted by Blue Victoria's school club was a resounding success. It provided a platform for students to learn about the challenges faced by the endangered Victoria carp fish, fostering a sense of empathy and responsibility towards biodiversity conservation. Through their artistic expressions, the students showcased their understanding and commitment to preserving our precious aquatic ecosystems. This activity serves as a reminder of the importance of ongoing efforts to protect endangered species and the delicate balance of our natural world.

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